Victus Capital verify
Here you can verify the Telegram handle of the Business Developers (BDs) in our network. *NOTE, a BD will never ask you to send funds to them and ALWAYS contact our main page on Twitter, Telegram or website to verify the conversation.
Verified Official Source
Your search [NAME] is officially connected with Victus Capital.
BDs will never ask for funds and ALWAYS contact our main page on Twitter, Telegram or website to verify the conversation.
OKBDs will never ask for funds and ALWAYS contact our main page on Twitter, Telegram or website to verify the conversation.
Unverified Source
Your search [NAME] is not a verified
Victus Capital official source
Victus Capital official source
Please verify that the information and format you entered are correct:
*Username (don’t add the @ sign before the username).
BDs will never ask you to send funds and ALWAYS contact our main page on Twitter, Telegram or website to verify the conversation.
Victus Capital will never propose a deal without meeting the verification, contract, KYC and AML requirements.
Be aware of bad actors and always verify your conversations with us.
*Username (don’t add the @ sign before the username).
BDs will never ask you to send funds and ALWAYS contact our main page on Twitter, Telegram or website to verify the conversation.
Victus Capital will never propose a deal without meeting the verification, contract, KYC and AML requirements.
Be aware of bad actors and always verify your conversations with us.
Apply for funding from Victus Capital
Kindly fill in the form carefully so we can review and get back to you.
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